all postcodes in RG7 / READING

find any address or company within the RG7 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG7 5AA 21 0 51.435719 -1.085467
RG7 5AB 45 0 51.439742 -1.073508
RG7 5AD 20 0 51.439103 -1.073478
RG7 5AE 30 0 51.439539 -1.071742
RG7 5AF 28 0 51.439907 -1.072785
RG7 5AG 13 0 51.439032 -1.071378
RG7 5AH 58 28 51.437705 -1.07504
RG7 5AJ 13 7 51.438271 -1.074056
RG7 5AL 1 1 51.438281 -1.072976
RG7 5AN 45 16 51.43741 -1.075305
RG7 5AQ 52 0 51.437306 -1.072564
RG7 5AR 14 2 51.438238 -1.072157
RG7 5AS 37 3 51.438261 -1.080703
RG7 5AT 7 0 51.437006 -1.079001
RG7 5AU 36 0 51.438947 -1.080885
RG7 5AW 4 4 51.437295 -1.075508
RG7 5AX 6 0 51.438465 -1.080339
RG7 5AY 32 0 51.439038 -1.078696
RG7 5AZ 30 0 51.439665 -1.079633
RG7 5BA 10 0 51.439904 -1.077959